On January 19, 2019, 300 of us gathered in -25 weather in Churchill Square to declare that We Can’t Stop – We Won’t Stop – We Will Not Go Back. The event featured the Labour and Anti-War movements for the first time, and a focus on stopping hate in all of its forms, including Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-immigration sentiments, and racism. The event also featured new faces on our organizing team, and an inspirational group of speakers.
On June 30, 2018, over 200 Edmontonians gathered on a holiday weekend to proclaim that families belong together, and that refugee detention must stop!
My sincere and personal thanks to the Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism for co-organizing this event and providing the incredible placards and banners. Special shout-out to Peggy Morton for helping to arrange speakers and Andre Vachon for transportation services (a.k.a. Paula’s taxi service). Thank you Merryn Edwards and Women for Rights and Empowerment for your help as well.
Thank you Glynnis Lieb for the sound system and everyone at the Alberta Federation of Labour who helped with location logistics.
Thank you especially to our speakers: Sandra Azocar, Rod Loyola, Judith Ann Gale, and Cynthia and Jocelyn from Migrante Alberta, as well as Dorit Kosmin for the beautiful song at the end.
Most of all, thank YOU – all of you who took time out on a holiday weekend to stand for this important cause, take a postcard, sign a petition, sign a letter. The people, united, will never be defeated.
– Paula E. Kirman/March On Edmonton Collective & ECAWAR
THANK YOU to our incredible speakers, and to the amazing Edmontonians who braved the cold on January 20 to once again proclaim that ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights.’
We had around 1000 people in attendance, and the diversity of the crowd reflected the diversity of our speakers. We also had great media coverage, and hope to get our website updated with all of our interviews and footage in the days to come.
We realize that sound was an issue at the rally, and for that we apologize. Less than 24 hours before the event, we were informed by the Legislature that there was going to be no power in the building that afternoon, and so no PA system available. After speaking with the appropriate department, we were assured we would have something in place. That “something” was a poorly functioning megaphone.
The good news is that the event was recorded by Paula. Here is a link to the playlist of all of the videos, including all of our incredible speakers.
You can also find several photo galleries at our Facebook page, including our official one from Lindsey Locke, who was also our official photographer last year. She did a super job once again!
Please continue to follow us on our social media – @wmwyeg all around – for more information about upcoming events!
How are women visually represented in your community? Check out our campaign, #CompletingTheStory!
On April 29, 2017, 17 women had a 3-hour-discussion about how to work together and about how to make a difference individually and collectively. Many ideas were generated and will be added to the pool of commitments and interest in this continuing movement. As we review and digest this input we’ll be posting our intentions to meet again and we’ll be inviting women to join us as we March On!
Women March Forward: Taking the Next Steps – March 25, 2017